Step 1: Pick a data set

We will apply Conformal Prediction on the selected dataset.

Step 2: Pick an algorithm

This underlying algorithm will be used to calculate how different (or similar) a sample is, to the rest of the dataset.
We call this measure the 'non-conformity' score $\alpha$.

Step 3: Computing the non-conformity scores

The motivation here is we are trying all potential labels to find the 'best' one that helps the test sample 'fits' well into the dataset.

Step 4: Computing the p-values

To measure how 'conformal' the test sample with the given potential label is, we count how many $\alpha_i (1 \leq i \leq N+1)$ that is larger than or equal to $\alpha_{N+1}$ of the test sample, and divide it by the size of the training set. This result is called the p-value, which is simply the fraction of the training examples as similar as the test sample. $$p-value = \frac{\#|{i=1,..,N+1 : \alpha_i \geq \alpha_{N+1}}|}{N+1}$$
Intuitively, the higher the p-value of a potential label is, the more confident we are that this label helps the test sample 'fits' into the dataset.

Step 5: Making predictions

Given any confidence level $1 - \epsilon$ (e.g. $\epsilon = 0.1$ for 90% confidence), the potential labels whose p-value is larger than $\epsilon$ will be accepted.

confidence level

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