A large seaside resort on the sunny southern coast of Cyprus.
- Extended abstract deadline: May 8th, 2023
- Paper deadline: March 24th April 7th, 2023
- Author notification: May 8th, 2023
- Camera-ready: May 31st, 2023
Prof Yannis Manolopoulos
Dr Yaniv Romano
Anastasios Angelopoulos
Prof. Yannis Manolopoulos
Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Recommendation systems in scholarly publishing
The area of Recommendation Systems has matured after intensive theoretical studies by researchers and practical applications by large e-commerce companies. On the other hand, Scientometrics has become an independent field, focusing in the study of laws and statistics related to scholarly publications. Nowadays, the publishing industry has accumulated big bibliographic data. Thus, the need to provide recommendations when searching in the abundance of bibliographic data has arised.
• Journal recommenders are important tools for researchers as many journals belonging to different publishers have emerged.
• Conference recommenders are useful towards avoiding predatory ones.
• Citation recommenders play an important role to alleviate the dilemma that researchers spend a lot of time and experiences for literature survey.
• Reviewer recommenders for scientific research proposals are helpful tools for funding agencies.
• Article recommendation to best fit reviewers is crucial to achieve constructive reviews towards a strong conference program.
• Collaborator Recommenders learn from researchers' publications and advice about persons which can give research directions.
These are some fundamental research questions in the intersection area between Recommendation Systems and Scientometrics. In this talk, key approaches for each question will be presented, discussed and compared.
Manolopoulos is Professor of the Open University of Cyprus, as well as Professor Emeritus of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Moreover, he is Member of Academia Europaea, London. Currently, he serves as Dean of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences of the Open University of Cyprus and Member of the Board of the Research and Innovation Foundation of Cyprus.
His research interest focuses in Data Management. He has co-authored 6 monographs and 10 textbooks (in Greek), as well as >350 journal and conference papers. He has received >17500 citations from >2600 distinct academic institutions from >100 countries.
Dr. Yaniv Romano
Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Conformal prediction is robust to dispersive label noise
In most supervised classification and regression tasks, one would assume the provided labels reflect the ground truth. In reality, however, this assumption is often violated; for example, doctors labeling the same medical image may have different subjective opinions about the diagnosis, leading to variability in the ground truth label itself.
In this talk, we will study the robustness of conformal prediction, a powerful tool for uncertainty quantification, to label noise. Our analysis tackles regression and classification, as well as challenging risk-controlling problems, characterizing when and how it is possible to construct uncertainty sets that correctly cover the unobserved noiseless ground truth labels.
Romano is an assistant professor in the Departments of Electrical Engineering and of Computer Science at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. Before that, he was a postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Statistics at Stanford University.
He is a recipient of the 2015 Zeff Fellowship, the 2017 Andrew and Erna Finci Viterbi Fellowship, the 2017 Irwin and Joan Jacobs Fellowship, the 2018–2020 Zuckerman Postdoctoral Fellowship, the 2018–2020 ISEF Postdoctoral Fellowship, the 2018–2020 Viterbi Fellowship for nurturing future faculty members, Technion, the 2019–2020 Koret Postdoctoral Scholarship, Stanford University, and the 2021-2022 Leaders in Science and Technology Career Advancement Chair (CAC), Technion.
Anastasios Angelopoulos
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Conformal Prediction under distribution-shift
Conformal prediction is seen as a technique for working with exchangeable data. But in the real world, the exchangeability assumption is violated all the time. I'll be presenting recent work that takes conformal prediction far beyond the exchangeable setting into the realm of distribution shift, wherein data distribution morph and change over time, subject to all the complexities and intricacies of real-world dynamics.
He is a rising fourth-year Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley, advised by Michael I. Jordan and Jitendra Malik.
He works on theoretical machine learning with applications in vision and healthcare. His goal is to apply modern statistical ideas to increase robustness of black-box models like deep neural networks. He is motivated by medical diagnostics: statistical reliability will become paramount as computer vision and machine learning become ubiquitous in such high-risk settings. His other applied interests include computational imaging and ophthalmology.
General Paper
"Recommendation Systems with Distribution-Free Reliability Guarantees"
Anastasios Angelopoulos, Karl Krauth, Stephen Bates, Yixin Wang and Michael Jordan
Student Paper
"Approximating Score-based Explanation Techniques Using Conformal Regression"
Amr Alkhatib, Henrik Boström, Sofiane Ennadir and Ulf Johansson
Welcome speech
Tutorial Session
"Conformal Prediction Under Distribution-Shift"
Anastasios Angelopoulos (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Chair: Dr. Harris Papadopoulos
Tea/Coffee break
Paper session (1): "Applications (1)"
Chair: Dr. Giovanni Cherubin
"Conformal Regression in Calorie Prediction for Team Jumbo-Visma"
Kristian van Kuijk, Mark Dirksen, Christof Seiler
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"Evaluating potential sensitive information leaks on a smartphone using the magnetometer and Conformal Prediction"
Robert Choudhury, Zhiyuan Luo, Khuong An Nguyen
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"Confident Object Detection via Conformal Prediction and Conformal Risk Control: an Application to Railway Signaling"
Leo Andeol, Thomas Fel, Florence de Grancey, Luca Mossina
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"Enterprise Disk Drive Scrubbing Based on Mondrian Conformal Predictors"
Rahul Vishwakarma, Jinha Hwang, Soundouss Messoudi, Ava Hedayatipour
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"An Uncertainty-Aware Sequential Approach for Predicting Response to Neoadjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer"
Alberto Garcia-Galindo, Marcos Lopez-De-Castro, Ruben Armananzas
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"Online NoVaS Conformal Volatility Prediction"
Alejandro Canete
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"Capturing prediction uncertainty in upstream cell culture models using conformal prediction and Gaussian processes"
Tien Dung Pham, Uwe Aickelin, Robert Bassett
Lunch break
Paper session (2): "Applications (2)"
Chair: Prof. Ulf Johansson
"Market Implied Conformal Volatility Intervals"
Alejandro Canete
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"Evaluation of conformal-based probabilistic forecasting methods for short-term wind speed forecasting"
Simon Althoff, Johan Hallberg Szabadvary, Jonathan Anderson, Lars Carlsson
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"Applying the conformal prediction paradigm for the uncertainty quantification of an end-to-end automatic speech recognition model (wav2vec 2.0)"
Fares Ernez, Alexandre Arnold, Audrey Galametz, Catherine Kobus, Nawal Ould-Amer
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"Neural Networks based Conformal Prediction for Pipeline Structural Response"
Sara El Mekkaoui, Carla J Ferreira, Juan Camilo Guevara Gomez, Christian Agrell, Nicholas James Vaughan, Hans Olav Heggen
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"Applications of Conformal Regression on Real-world Industrial Use Cases using Crepes and MAPIE"
Nasir Uddin, Tuwe Lofstrom
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"Variable Sparing of Disk Drives Based on Failure Analysis"
Rahul Vishwakarma, Mahshid Fardadi, Bing Liu
Tea/Coffee break
Paper session (3): "Classification"
Chair: Prof. Alex Gammerman
"Multi-label Classification under Uncertainty: A Tree-based Conformal Prediction Approach"
Chhavi Tyagi, Wenge Guo
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"Confidence Classifiers with Guaranteed Accuracy or Precision"
Ulf Johansson, Cecilia Sonstrod, Tuwe Lofstrom, Henrik Bostrom
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"Coverage vs Acceptance-Error Curves for Conformal Classification Models"
Evgueni Smirnov
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"How do the performance of a Conformal Predictor and its underlying algorithm relate?"
Giovanni Cherubin
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Symposium Dinner
Keynote (1)
"Recommendation Systems in Scholarly Publishing"
Prof. Yannis Manolopoulos (Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Chair: Dr. Harris Papadopoulos
Paper session (4): "Hypothesis Testing"
Chair: Dr. Yaniv Romano
"A Conformal Martingales Ensemble Approach for addressing Concept Drift"
Charalambos Eliades, Harris Papadopoulos
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"The power of forgetting in statistical hypothesis testing"
Vladimir Vovk
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"The Venn-ABERS Testing for Change-Point Detection"
Ilia Nouretdinov, Alex Gammerman
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Tea/Coffee break
Paper session (5): "Regression and Conformal Predictive Systems"
Chair: Dr. Tuwe Lofstrom
"A Review of Nonconformity Measures for Conformal Prediction in Regression"
Yuko Kato, David M.J. Tax, Marco Loog
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"On training locally adaptive CP"
Nicolo Colombo
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"Mondrian Predictive Systems for Censored Data"
Henrik Bostrom, Henrik Linusson, Anders Vesterberg
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"Evaluating Machine Translation Quality with Conformal Predictive Distributions"
Patrizio Giovannotti
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"Online aggregation of conformal predictive systems"
Vladimir G. Trunov, Vladimir V. V'yugin
Lunch break
Paper session (6): "New adaptations (1)"
Chair: Prof. Vladimir Vovk
"Recommendation Systems with Distribution-Free Reliability Guarantees"
Anastasios N Angelopoulos, Karl Krauth, Stephen Bates, Yixin Wang, Michael I Jordan
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"Conformal Prediction with Partially Labeled Data"
Alireza Javanmardi, Yusuf Sale, Paul Hofman, Eyke Hullermeier
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"Conformal Credal Self-Supervised Learning"
Julian Lienen, Caglar Demir, Eyke Hullermeier
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"Self Learning using Venn-Abers predictors"
Come Rodriguez, Vitor Martin Bordini, Sebastien Destercke, Benjamin Quost
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"Efficient Approximate Predictive Inference Under Feedback Covariate Shift with Influence Functions"
Drew Prinster, Suchi Saria, Anqi Liu
Tea/Coffee break
Paper session (7): "New adaptations (2)"
Chair: Prof. Henrik Bostrom
"Data-driven Reachability using Christoffel Functions and Conformal Prediction"
Abdelmouaiz Tebjou, Goran Frehse, Faicel Chamroukhi
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"Conformal Association Rule Mining (CARM): A novel technique for data error detection and probabilistic correction"
Ilia Nouretdinov, James Gammerman
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"Anomalous Edge Detection in Edge Exchangeable Social Network Models"
Rui Luo, Buddhika Nettasinghe, Vikram Krishnamurthy
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"Conformalized Adversarial Attack Detection for Graph Neural Networks"
Sofiane Ennadir, Amr Alkhatib, Henrik Bostrom, Michalis Vazirgiannis
Keynote (2)
"Conformal prediction is robust to dispersive label noise"
Dr. Yaniv Romano (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
Chair: Dr. Harris Papadopoulos
Paper session (8): "Explanability"
Chair: Prof. Lars Carlsson
"Approximating Score-based Explanation Techniques Using Conformal Regression"
Amr Alkhatib, Henrik Bostrom, Sofiane Ennadir, Ulf Johansson
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"Investigating the Contribution of Privileged Information in Knowledge Transfer LUPI by Explainable Machine Learning"
Niharika Gauraha, Henrik Bostrom
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"CONFIDERAI: CONFormal Interpretable-by-Design score function for Explainable and Reliable Artificial Intelligence"
Sara Narteni, Alberto Carlevaro, Fabrizio Dabbene, Marco Muselli, Maurizio Mongelli
Tea/Coffee break
Paper session (9): "Implementations / Libraries"
Chair: Dr. Evgueni Smirnov
"Flexible and Systematic Uncertainty Estimation with Conformal Prediction via the MAPIE library"
Thibault Cordier, Vincent Blot, Louis Lacombe, Thomas Morzadec, Arnaud Capitaine, Nicolas Brunel
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"PUNCC: a Python Library for Predictive Uncertainty Calibration and Conformalization"
Mouhcine Mendil, Luca Mossina, David Vigouroux
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"Tutorial on using Conformal Predictive Systems in KNIME"
Tuwe Lofstrom, Alexander Bondaletov, Artem Ryasik, Henrik Bostrom, Ulf Johansson
Closing address with best paper awards
Lunch break
Half Day Excursion to the Ancient Kourion Theatre and Omodos Village
The 12th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA 2023) will be held from the 13th to the 15th of September 2023, at the Miramare Beach Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus. Submissions are invited on original and previously unpublished research concerning all aspects of conformal and probabilistic prediction. The symposium proceedings will be published in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research.
Conformal prediction (CP) is a modern machine learning framework that allows making valid predictions under relatively weak statistical assumptions. CP can be combined with any conventional predictor for producing set predictions with a guaranteed accuracy, thus allowing the error levels to be controlled by the user. Consequently, CP has been widely applied to practical real-life challenges and formed the basis for the development of many novel approaches and extensions.
The aim of this symposium is to serve as a forum for the presentation of new and ongoing work and the exchange of ideas between researchers on any aspect of conformal and probabilistic prediction, including their application to interesting problems in any field.
Topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to:
Authors are invited to submit original, English-language research contributions or experience reports. Papers should be no longer than 20 pages formatted according to the well-known JMLR (Journal of Machine Learning Research) style. The LaTeX package for the style is available here.
All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled online via the EasyChair Conference System at:
Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the symposium to present the work.
Submitted papers will be refereed for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. Notification and reviews will be communicated via email. All accepted papers will be presented at the Symposium and published in the PMLR (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research), Volume 204.
There will be two Alexey Chervonenkis awards for the Best Paper and Best Student Paper, presented at the conference. Each awardee will receive €100 and a certificate.
Researchers interested in Conformal Prediction may be interested in joining our online discussion group. Future announcements and related materials will be published regularly.
All accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published by the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR). Volume 204 at http://proceedings.mlr.press/v204/
Please make sure to use the correct style file; it should be already installed on your computer, or will be installed "on the fly". The camera-ready papers should follow the style of the Proceedings section of JMLR rather than JMLR itself.
In the end you should prepare two files: (1) your paper in PDF format; (2) the copyright form (http://proceedings.mlr.press/pmlr-license-agreement.pdf). Please upload the final version of your paper in PDF via EasyChair and email the signed copyright form to K.A.Nguyen@brighton.ac.uk
The beginning of your file will look like:
\documentclass[wcp]{jmlr} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,graphicx,url} \jmlrvolume{204} \jmlryear{2023} \jmlrworkshop{Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications} \jmlrproceedings{PMLR}{Proceedings of Machine Learning Research} \title{Nonparametric predictive distributions based on conformal prediction} \author{\Name{John Smith}\Email{j.smith@gmail.com}\\ \addr{Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, UK}\\ \Name{Minge Shen}\Email{m.shen@gmail.com}\\ \addr{Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA}} \editor{Harris Papadopoulos, Khuong An Nguyen, Henrik Boström and Lars Carlsson} \begin{abstract} This paper applies conformal prediction to derive predictive distributions that are valid under a nonparametric assumption. \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} Conformal prediction, predictive distributions, regression. \end{keywords}
Notice the presence of the command
\jmlrproceedings{PMLR}{Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}
Please let us know if you encounter any problems following these instructions.
For further information (which, however, can be confusing), see http://jmlr.org/proceedings/faq.html (under the heading "What is the Style File for the Proceedings?"); COPA 2023 uses the one column style file. The style file is available from the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) web site at http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/jmlr you can go inside the directory called "sample_papers" and emulate the files jmlr_sample.tex and jmlr_sample.bib (the latter is only needed if you use bibtex).
Some useful advices on the JMLR style can be found at http://jmlr.org/format/format.html (However, please make sure to use the Proceedings style, as described above, rather than the main journal style).
General Cyprus visa information can be found at: https://mfa.gov.cy/visa-information.html
Participants who require a visa will need to submit their visa application to the Cyprus Embassy / High Commission / Consulate / Honorary Consular that is nearest to where they live. It is advisable to contact the diplomatic mission where you plan to submit your visa application in advance to receive applicable information and details. To find the accredited diplomatic missions by country, please visit: this link.
For the required documents (please ask the diplomatic mission about what is required - e.g. registration confirmation, accommodation confirmation, invitation letter), please contact the COPA 2023 secretariat at: keystone@keystone-conferences.com
Note that in order to be able to provide you with any required documents it is essential that you first complete your registration to the Symposium.
One of Cyprus' top tourist attractions and most spectacular archaeological sites.
Ancient Kourion is 18 kilometers west of central Limassol.
Right in the center, on the main square, the top tourist attraction is Limassol Castle.
This is where Richard the Lionheart of England married Berengaria, and later, the Ottomans used it as a military base.
Probably the dinkiest castle you're ever going to see, Kolossi Castle was built in 1210 CE by the Knights of St. John.
The castle is just 10 kilometers west of central Limassol.
Local lore says this is the spot where the goddess Aphrodite emerged from the waves. Today, it is one of the island's most magical places to visit at sunset.
Aphrodite's Rock is on the main coastal highway, 43 kilometers west of Limassol.
Celebrating Apollo Hylates, God of the Woodland and protector of Ancient Kourion, this temple ruin dates from the 8th century BCE to the 4th century CE.
The Sanctuary of Apollo is only three kilometers west of Ancient Kourion (20 kilometers west of central Limassol).
According to mythology, this is where the god Theseus left the pregnant Ariadne after his battle with the Minotaur.
Ancient Amathus lies on the seafront road on the northeastern edge of Limassol, 11 kilometers from the old town center.
Frederick University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
General enquiries:
Registration, hotel, social program: