Vladimir V'yugin - Selected Bibliography
Theory of recursive functions
- V'yugin, V.V. (1972)
- On discrete classes of recursively enumerable sets, Algebra
and Logic, 11, N 3, pp.243-256 (in
- V'yugin, V.V. (1973)
- On minimal enumerations of computable classes of recursively
enumerable sets, Soviet Math. Doklady, 212,
N 2,pp.273-272 (in Russian).
- V'yugin, V.V. (1973)
- On some upper semilattices of computable enumerations,
Algebra and Logic, 12, N 5, pp.512-529
(in Russian).
- V'yugin, V.V. (1974)
- Segments of recursively enumerable m-degrees, Algebra
and Logic, 13, N 6, pp.635-654 (in
- V'yugin, V.V. (1974)
- On upper semilattices of enumerations, Soviet Math.
Doklady, 217, N 4, pp.749-751 (In
- V'yugin, V.V. (1974)
- The structure of initial segments of the upper semilattice
of computable enumerations of the class of all r.e.sets,
Proceedings of the 3-th All-Union Conference on Mathematical
Logic, Novosibirsk, USSR, pp. 36-37 (In Russian).
Kolmogorov complexity and randomness
- V'yugin, V.V. (1976)
- On Turing invariant sets, Soviet Math. Doklady,
229, N 4, pp. 790-793 (In Russian).
- Levin, L.A., V'yugin, V.V. (1977)
- Invariant Properties of Informational Bulks, Springer
Lecture Notes on Computer science, 53,
pp. 359-364.
- V'yugin, V.V. (1981)
- Algorithmic Entropy (complexity) of Finite Objects and
its Application to Defining Randomness and Amount of Information,
Semiotika and Informatica, 16,
14-43 (In Russian). Translated into English in Selecta
Mathematica formerly Sovietica, 13,
N4, pp. 357-389.
- V'yugin, V.V. (1982)
- The algebra of invariant properties of binary sequences,
Problems Inform. Transmission, 18,
N2, pp. 147-161.
- V'yugin, V.V. (1983)
- On computability of the parameter in the Bernoulli model,
Problems Inform. Transmission, 19,
- V'yugin, V.V. (1985)
- Nonstochastic objects, Problems Inform. Transmission,
21, N 2, pp.77-88.
- V'yugin V.V. (1986)
- Some estimates for nonstochastic sequences, Proceedings
of the Ist World Congress of the Bernoully Society, Tashkent
USSR, 8-14 September, Vol.1 Probability
Theory and applications, ed. Yu.A.Prohorov, V.V.Sazonov,
- V'yugin V.V. (1987)
- On the defect of randomness of a finite object with respect
to measures with given complexity bounds, SIAM Theory
Probab. Appl., 32, 508-512.
- Vovk, V.G., V'yugin, V.V. (1993)
- On the Empirical Validity of the Bayesian Method, Journal
of the Royal Statistical Society, B,
v.55, N1, pp.253-266.
- Vovk, V.G., V'yugin, V.V. (1994)
- Prequential Level of Impossibility with Some Applications,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B,
v.56, N1, pp.115-123.
- V'yugin V.V. (1996)
- Bayesianism: An Algorithmic Analysis, Information
and Computation, 127, N 1, p.1-10.
- V'yugin V.V. (1996)
- An ergodic theorem for individual random sequence, Uspekhi
matem. nauk, 51, N 6, pp. 191-192
(In Russian).
- V'yugin V.V. (1997)
- Effective convergence in probability and an ergodic theorem
for individual random sequences, SIAM Theory Probab.
Appl., 42, N 1.
- V'yugin V.V. (1997)
- On the length of the maximal series of ``succeses''in
an individual random sequence, SIAM Theory Probab. Appl.
42, N 3.
- V'yugin V.V. (1998)
- Non-stochastic infinite and finite sequences, Theoretical
Computer Science, v. 207, N4, pp.
- V'yugin V.V. (1998)
- Ergodic theorems for individual random sequences, Theoretical
Computer Science, v. 207, N4, pp.
- V'yugin V.V. (1999)
- Algorithmic complexity and stochastic properties of finite
binary sequences, The Computer Journal, 204
- V'yugin V.V. (1999)
- "Does snooping help?", Technical report No CLRC-TR-99-06,
December 1999, Computer Learning Research Centre, Royal
Holloway, University of London.
- V'yugin V.V. (1999)
- "Most sequences are predictable", Technical report
No CLRC-TR-99-01, December 1999, Computer Learning
Research Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London
- V'yugin V.V. (2000)
- Sub-optimal measures of predictive complexity Technical
report CLRC-TR-00-05, Computer Learning Research Centre,
Royal Holloway, University of London, 2000.
- V'yugin V.V. (2001)
- Non-robustness property of the individual ergodic theorem,
Problems Inform. Transmission, 37, N 2, pp27-39.
- V'yugin V.V. (2001)
- Most sequences are stochastic, Information and Computation,
169, 2001, pp252-263.
- V'yugin M.V., V'yugin V.V. (2001)
- Non-linear inequalities between Kolmogorov and predictive
complexities, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International
Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'01),
2001, pp190-204.
- V'yugin M.V., V'yugin V.V. (2002)
- Predicitive complexit and information, Proceedings
of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational
Learning Theory (COLT'02), Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence,
2375, 2002, pp90-104.
- V'yugin V.V. (2002)
- Does snooping help?, Theoretical Computer Science,
276, 2002, pp.407--415.
- V'yugin V.V. (2002)
- Suboptimal measures of predictive complexity for absolute
loss function, Information and Computation, 175,
2002, pp.146--157.
- Vyugin M.V., V'yugin V.V. (2002)
- On complexity of easy predictable sequences, Information
and Computation, 177, 2002 (to appear).
- Vyugin M.V., V'yugin V.V. (2002)
- On complexity of easy predictable sequences, Information
and Computation, 178, 2002, pp.241--252.
- Ilya Nuretdinov, Vladimir V'yugin, Alex Gammerman (2003)
- Transductive Confidence Machine is Universal, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Algorithmic Learning Theory,
2842, 2003, pp. 283--297, Springer, Heidelberg.
- V'yugin V.V. (2003)
- Problem of Robustness for Universal Coding Schemes, Problems
Inform. Transmission, 2003, 39, N1, pp.32--46.
- Maslov V.P., V'yugin V.V. (2003)
- Extremal Relations Between Additive Loss Functions and
Kolmogorov Complexity, Problems Inform. Transmission,
2003, 39, N4.
- Maslov V.P., V'yugin V.V. (2004)
- Maximum Entropy Principle in Non-Ordered Setting, Algorithmic
Learning Theory: 15th International Conference, ALT 2004
Proceedings (Shai Ben-David, John Case, Akira Maruoka
Editors) pp. 221 - 233.
Last updated
Wed, 17-Jun-2009 15:57
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