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Special Session on New Developments in the Analysis of Complex Data

Chair: Paula Brito

As the world changes, the data available to be analyzed and explored become more complex. As such, it is necessary to innovate and develop new statistical methods more adapted to data comprising increasing information. The investigation of new methods is therefore fundamental to support the increase in complexity of scientific and economical studies.

Data tables where the cells contain a single quantitative or categorical value are no longer sufficient. More complex data tables are needed, with cells that include more accurate and complete information. These may take the form of sets, intervals, distributions, time-series, etc. Also, the data may present constrains of different kinds, as hierarchical rules, spatial contiguity, etc., or include user's knowledge, e.g., taxonomies. Symbolic Data, Granular Data, Spatial Data, Stream Data, as just some of the new paradigms of the new 'Complex Data'.

This session welcomes presentations on recent developments, from a theoretical or methodological point of view, practical applications or new software tools for the analysis of different types of non-classical, 'complex' data.