Novel machine learning methods for improving drug discovery efficiency and enhancing commercial data analytics

Our research impact was recognised by the REF 2021 panel as outstanding. "The sub-panel judged that the case studies submitted contained impacts ranging from considerable to outstanding in terms of reach and significance. Impacts focused on improving drug discovery efficiency were assessed as being outstanding."

The Department became among the first 10 best departments in the country according to RAE 2001 (Research Assessment Exercise)

The panel were impressed by the strength within the Computer Learning Research Centre and the profound impact their work has had on theory and applications.

IEEE John von Neumann Medal

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2017
This award was presented to Prof. Vapnik for his pioneering work on Statistical Learning Theory and his development of the theory of the Support Vector Machine algorithm.

Kampé de Fériet Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2014
This award was presented to Prof. Vapnik for his pioneering work on Statistical Learning Theory and his development of the theory of the Support Vector Machine algorithm.

C&C Prize

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2013
10,000,000 Japanese yen from the NEC Corporation was awarded to Prof. Vapnik in recognition of his outstanding contributions to research and development and pioneering work in the fields of semiconductors, computers, telecommunications and their integrated technologies.

Franklin Institute Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2012
This award seeks to provide public recognition and encouragement of excellence in science and technology. Amongst the laureates are Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Bill Gates.

IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2012
This award was presented to Prof. Vapnik for his outstanding contributions to the advancement of the design, practice, techniques in biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms, including neural networks, evolutionary computation, fuzzy systems, and hybrid intelligent systems.

The Neural Networks Pioneer Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2010
$2,500 was awarded to Prof. Vapnik to recognise his significant contributions to early concepts and sustained developments in the field of neural networks.

The Paris Kanellakis Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2008
$10,000 was awarded to Prof. Vapnik for his revolutionary development of a highly effective algorithm known as support vector machines (SVM) used for data classification and regression, which is one of the most frequently used algorithms in machine learning.

The Gabor Award

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2005
Prof. Vapnik was given a life-contribution award for his contribution to the field of neural networks, which was proven to be paradigm changing and long lasting.

The U.S. National Academy of Engineering

  • Vladimir Vapnik
  • 2006
$500,000 was awarded to Prof. Vapnik, for his work in encouraging education and research, and to recognise his superior achievements of engineers.